Computer network design and control

Professors: Andrea Bianco

Official description of the course: here

Academic year 2024-2025

General Info
Examination rules Useful references

Course material
Course introduction and review A.Bianco Pdf (6 per page) Pdf (2 per page) Pdf (3 per page)
Software Defined Networking A.Bianco -P.Giaccone Pdf (6 per page) Pdf (2 per page) Pdf (3 per page)
Introduction to QoS issues A.Bianco Pdf (6 per page) Pdf (2 per page) Pdf (3 per page)
Token Bucket, Max Min Fairness and congestion control A.Bianco Pdf (6 per page) Pdf (2 per page) Pdf (3 per page)
QoS routing and Admission control A.Bianco Pdf (6 per page) Pdf (2 per page) Pdf (3 per page)
Scheduling algorithms A.Bianco Pdf (6 per page) Pdf (2 per page) Pdf (3 per page)
Internet QoS A.Bianco Pdf (6 per page) Pdf (2 per page) Pdf (3 per page)
MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching) A.Bianco Pdf (6 per page) Pdf (2 per page) Pdf (3 per page)
Protocols for multimedia A.Bianco Pdf (6 per page) Pdf (2 per page) Pdf (3 per page)
Network management A. Bianco Pdf (6 per page) Pdf (2 per page) Pdf (3 per page)
Introduction to the Labs A. Bianco – P. Giaccone Pdf
Linux and mininet command reference A. Cornacchia – M. Sacchetto Pdf
Lab #1 guide A.Bianco et al. Pdf
Lab #2 guide A. Bianco et al. Pdf
Lab #3 guide A.Bianco et al. Pdf
Vodafone Network Architecture S. Gollinucci Pdf
Telecom Italia Lab Network A. Capello Pdf