Francesco Raviglione

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Francesco Raviglione was born in Biella (Italy) in 1994. He got his B.Sc. degree in computer engineering from Politecnico di Torino (2016), followed by an M.Sc. degree in Mechatronics Engineering (2018), with a focus on automotive and embedded systems.
Starting from January 2019 and until April 2019 he got a research grant in Politecnico di Torino, under the supervision of Professor Claudio Ettore Casetti, working on the performance evaluation of IEEE 802.11p-compatible wireless cards and on open source solutions for vehicular communications.
He was then on a 6 months pre-Ph.D. grant, from May 1st 2019, joining the TNG group and officially starting his Ph.D. in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering on November 1st 2019.
In 2022, he pursued his Ph.D. cum laude, presenting a final thesis work titled “Open platforms for connected vehicles”. During the Ph.D., he also spent a six-month visiting period at the Roux Institute at Northeastern University, in Portland, Maine, USA, working on a multi-technology platform for enabling Vehicular Edge Intelligence.
He is currently an Assistant Professor with time contract (RTD-A) at the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) in Politecnico di Torino. He is working in the field of developing and evaluating vehicular networking platforms and protocols, on open source, customizable, solutions for wireless networking use cases, and on network measurements and performance assessment. He is also one of the developers of both the ms-van3t vehicular network simulation and emulation framework ( and the OScar open source stack for vehicular communications (