Enrico Bocchi was born in Torino (Italy) on September 28, 1989. He graduated with summa cum laude Master Degree in Telecommunications Engineering from Politecnico di Torino in December 2013 with the thesis titled “Benchmarking methodology and performance measurement of personal cloud storage services”.
He has always been fascinated by computer networks and Internet technologies. Through master degree courses and hands-on reasearch activities, he had the opportunity to develop strong competences in the field of network traffic analysis and measurements. These include the study of specific sets of services, like Personal Cloud Storage Services (e.g., Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.), the performance assessment of novel Internet protocols, and the implications on users’ experience of devices and middleboxes being deployed by Internet Service Providers.
In recent years, he worked with several research centers and companies worldwide.
He joined the Telecommunication Networks Group as a PhD student in February 2014, under the supervision of Prof. Marco Mellia.
He spent one year at the Laboratory of Information, Networking and Communication Sciences – LINCS in the context of a Joint-PhD program with Telecom ParisTech (Paris, France), working with Prof. Dario Rossi.
He graduated in February 2017 and joined the Storage Group of the IT department at CERN (Geneva, Switzerland).