Andrea Morichetta was born in Macerata (Italy) on December 21, 1989. He received the B.Sc. degree in Automation and Computer Engineering in February 2012, from Università Politecnica delle Marche. During his Master Studies developed a great interest in the areas of computer system security and data analysis. In December 2015 he received the Master Degree in Computer Engineering, from Politecnico di Torino with the thesis “Data analysis algorithm for malware detection in network traffic inspection”.
During 2014 he collaborated for 4 months with “Telecom Italia – Information Technology” in the development of a Private Threat Intelligence System, as a junior consultant.
He joined the Telecommunication Networks Group in March 2016 with a scolarship and, from November, as a PhD student, always under the supervision of Prof. Marco Mellia, with a grant fully funded by the BIG-DAMA project.