ICT for smart mobility

Professors: Luca Vassio Marco Mellia

Official description of the course: here

The growth of information and communication technologies (ICT) affects all areas of society. This digital transformation has a disruptive nature in mobility and transport: Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) are intended to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of transportation systems through the usage of advanced information technologies. These new ICT technologies offer the ability to collect, process, and extract useful information from raw data, allowing us to optimise the public transport schedule, the traffic light timing and, in general, the traffic and mobility. ICT technologies offer novel means to move using shared mobility like car sharing, bike sharing, or carpooling.

The course is offered to students interested in the performance, control, and management of transportation systems and the deployment of advanced ICT systems and their analysis. The course will introduce the fundamentals of transport systems, focusing on the design and technological aspects of sensors, communications, computing, and algorithms. Then we will study ITS data collection, privacy and analysis. We will then focus on traffic modelling theory and traffic flow and discuss advanced traffic management schemes.

Students will be required to put into practice the lessons in exercises using ICT for managing transport systems. Part of the course is devoted to developing group projects where students are required to complete some comprehensive case studies related to the world of transport.