Paolo Giaccone

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  • Phone: +39 0110904180

Paolo Giaccone is Full Professor in the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications of Politecnico di Torino.

He graduated from Politecnico di Torino with 110/110 summa cum laude degree in Telecommunication Engineering  in May 1998. Between June and September 1998, he was technical consultant of the High-Speed Networks Research Department at Bell Laboratories (Lucent Technologies) in Holmdel (NJ,USA). Between August 2000 and September 2001 he was visiting researcher in the Information Systems Networking Lab of Prof. Balaji Prabhakar at the Electrical Engineering Department of Stanford University. In February 2002 he obtained the Ph.D. degree at Politecnico di Torino, with a dissertation about “Queueing and scheduling algorithms for high performance routers”. Between February 2002 and October 2002, he held a PostDoc position at Politecnico di Torino. Between July 2002 and September 2002, he held a PostDoc position at the Electrical Engineering Department of Stanford University, working in the Information Systems Networking Lab of Prof. Balaji Prabhakar. During July 2003 and September 2003, he was again visiting Prof. Balaji Prabhakar. In November 2002 he became Assistant Professor at Politecnico di Torino, and since June 2016 he has been Associate Professor.

He served in the Technical Program Committee of the following conferences: IEEE Infocom 2018-2022 (distinguished member in 2018 and 2020),  IEEE High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR) (2003, 2007-2014, as Technical Program Chair in 2010), IEEE Symposium on High Performance Interconnects (HotI) (2004-2021), IFIP Wireless Days 2010, ACM CoNext (2008-2011), ACM Mobihoc 2011, International Teletraffic Congress (ITC) 2012, NETSTAT 2013, ICCCN – NAPE (2012-13), ICCCN – SNPC (2014-15), IEEE ICDM Workshop on Data Mining in Networks (2012-13), student poster session at IEEE Infocom 2013, SD3C 2015-17, IEEE CCNC (2016-17), RAWNET 2017 (as Technical Program Chair), IEEE CWN 2017, ACM CryBlock 2020, CNSM 2021, SIGCOMM FIRA 2022-23, ICCCN 2023. He served as associate editor of IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking.

Current research topics:

  • programmable data planes
  • traffic control in data centers
  • resource orchestration for 5G/6G networks
  • WiFi-based crowd monitoring
  • satellite networks