Hussein Jammal

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Hussein Jammal was born in Beirut, Lebanon.

He obtained his Bachelor’s Degree in Mechatronics Engineering in June 2022 at the American University of Science and Technology (AUST), graduating with High Distinction and receiving the President’s Award.

In June 2024, he earned his Master’s Degree in Computer and Communications Engineering, emphasizing Mechatronics Engineering at AUST. His thesis focused on applying fair machine learning and bias mitigation techniques to classify the Quality of Transmission of a Lightpath in optical networks.

In November 2024, he joined Politecnico di Torino as a PhD student in the 40th cycle at the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET), under the supervision of Prof. Cristina Rottondi and Prof. Andrea Bianco. His main research focuses on integrating machine learning with optical networks.